High Quality Borage Oil  

Borage oil, a vegetable oil made from borage seeds after pressing or low temperature extraction. Borage oil has the effect of reducing fat accumulation, breast enlargement, etc. 1. To reduce fat powder: The prostaglandins synthesized from the components of borage oil can stimulate brown adipose tissue to produce energy consumption through the granular glands and reduce fat accumulation. However, it is worth noting that Weight loss extract used for obese people suffering from metabolic disorders and menopausal disorders, which has a more specific effect. 2、Breast enlargement: It helps the synthesis of female hormones, activates mammary cells and restores the fullness of adipose tissue. If the metabolism of breast lobe cells and adipose tissue is slow and the activation level is insufficient, the body's ability to synthesize estrogen will be significantly insufficient, leading to breast dysplasia and loss of elasticity. Borage oil, as pharmaceutical chemicals, helps breast development…

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